FLF Students

6th - 12th grade.


LIVE Night service is once a month on the first Sunday. Our students will
experience powerful worship and a dynamic message! Come a little early and
hangout before the night starts. Service begins at 6:00PM!
Bus Transportation is provided on LIVE Nights, So if you need a ride text (Your
Name / Address) to (636) 377-8423 .


Student Group is a place to come and hangout with your friends on a weekly basis.
More importantly this is a time to dive deep into scripture and ask safe questions.
We meet weekly excluding major holidays, and large church events. Student Group
is from 6-8pm.

Invite your crew.

You may invite as many friends as you would like. You do not need to be a
member of Family Life Fellowship to attend.

See What's Happening at #LIVEnight

Follow us on Instagram! @FLFstudents